[First of all, I have to give a shout-out to my friend Kathleen, because I blatantly stole the title of this post from her blog: Becoming 35. Check her out sometime; she's a rock-awesome gal!]
Today is my birthday. My 35th birthday. I guess it's official...
I'm old.
Of course, I don't FEEL old... except for the aches and pains that slow me down sometimes, but those are due to falls and accidents and surgeries, not age.
And I don't think I LOOK old... except for the few gray hairs that keep cropping up around my face, but those are due to stress, not age.
And I don't ACT old... which is probably because I'm still a pretty goofy love-to-make-people-laugh, my spiritual gift is sarcasm kind of girl... which is just my personality, and does not necessarily reflect on my age.
But regardless of how I feel and look and act, today I turn 35.
And I'm ok with it.
Because becoming 35 brought with it some pretty amazing things, like:
*Flowers from my husband of almost 13 years.

*A long hug from my big boy who thinks he is starting to outgrow them.

*Cuddles and grins from my little boy who is living, breathing proof of God's faithfulness.

*An over-the-phone rendition of "Happy Birthday" in my dad's not-quite-on key voice.

*Blowing out the candles on a homemade cake with extra icing made by my mother-in-law.

*Watching fireworks with family and remembering how, as a little girl, I always thought they were just for my birthday.

*Ordering something I really want for my present. (You'll have to wait for this one... it hasn't come in yet!)
*Over 100 (so far) "Happy Birthday" messages on facebook, which I love. It's amazing to think that so many friends and family all over the world took at least one moment to think of me and wish me well today. Pretty incredible, and humbling, when you think about it.
All in all, becoming 35 has been pretty darn terrific. And if I have to get another year older in order to have all these blessings and more poured into my life, then bring it on.
I may be old, but I still know how to count my blessings!
I feel famous! By the way, I don't think we old either!
Ummmm, that's supposed to say "I don't think we LOOK old." Must be my old age causing me to drop words!
Hope you had a great birthday!
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