How about this?
This is 6 full meals resting happily in our freezer for after the baby comes. This is all the pantry goodies to go with them. This is what 2 of my friends spent the morning putting together in order to bless me and my family in the days after the baby is born.
This is love, people. This is love.
Do you know what this is?
How about this?
This is food and gifts from people who love us and put together a baby shower to welcome new little ones to the church. This also is love. Delicious, generous love.
Do you know what this is?
This is the result of a gift of pampering to 2 pregnant women who can no longer reach their toes. This is that "washing your feet" kind of love.
Do you know what this is?
This is 2 grandmas who traveled up to bless their daughters. One took time away from another event to drive up to be with her step-daughter. One flew in from Texas to be with her daughter. This is go-the-extra-mile, blessing-by-your-presence love.
Do you know what this is?
This is 2 minister's wives carrying 2 minister's kids. This is the first kiss of Elizabeth Joyce and Caleb Howell. This is coming out when they go to prom together one day...
And this is 2 mommas who have been loved on. This is 2 women who thank you for your love.
"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love" ~Galatians 5:6b
i'm so glad you've got this support!
WOW. Loved and blessed indeed!! x
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