Wednesday, May 12, 2010

AWANA Awards!

Nathan had his award night at AWANA last week. He finished his 2nd year of Cubbies, and is ready for Sparks next year when he starts kindergarten!

Nathan and his Cubbies friends sang a song at awards night about Creation. They did a great job!

Then it was time to get his award. He earned his certificate, a blue ribbon for his Cubbie's vest, and a cute Cubbie cookie made by one of the directors. I think he was most excited about the cookie, but I made him show off the other awards too!

This is his Cubbie's vest, also known as the bane of my existence over the last 2 years. I had to sew all those patches on BY HAND. And I.DO.NOT.SEW! I was actually pretty proud of myself. I mean, it doesn't look too bad, does it?

And this is the backside. Don't you judge me! :) There's a reason that this side is hidden!

Congratulations Nathan!

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