Friday, February 26, 2010

Words of Wisdom

"Let not our longing slay the appetite of our living."
Jim Elliot

I came across this quote the other day on the profile of an online friend, and it really spoke to my spirit. Jim Elliot, as some of you know, was a missionary who gave his life on the mission field. He had such a heart for a certain people group that he was willing to do anything, even give his life, to share the good news of Jesus with them. After his death, his wife and daughter were able to go and live with this people group, fulfilling the God-given mission that had started with Jim Elliot and his friends.

I have to wonder what longing Jim Elliot had in mind when he said that. Was he longing for this people group that he loved to accept the free gift of salvation? Did he say it during the time he was longing to be with the woman he loved but still felt called to singleness for the sake of the gospel? It could have been anything.

For me, my longing that threatens to slay the appetite of my living is my desire for a second child. If I am not careful, I can allow this desire to make me discontent with my life as it is here and now. That is not a place God wants me to be.

God, in His infinite wisdom, has ordained that this be a time of waiting for me. But during this time, He does not want me to take a break from the rest of my life. There are still things He wants me to do. There are still beautiful things to enjoy. There are still prayers to be prayed and people to be served. He is still God. And He has a plan.

So as I long, I pray that I will continue to live the full and abundant life that He has given me, and that He has promised to all those who follow hard after Him!

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