Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Hunts

Nathan had a wonderful time at his preschool party and Easter Egg Hunt. Because of the weather, they had to have it inside our church gym, but the kids didn't mind. They all got tons of candy!

Nathan's class enjoying their Easter cookies at school.
All lined up and ready to start hunting!
Nathan and Mommy check out his haul!
What a lot of candy!
Nathan also participated in our church Easter Egg hunt on Palm Sunday. Again, we had to have it indoors, so they separated the ages into different rooms to make sure everyone got some. Nathan was with the 4 and 5 year olds.

Here they are waiting to start!
And they're off!

Hey, hey, the gangs all here!
Nathan showing off his haul.
Nathan helping Pastor Jay during his Children's sermon during our family worship service that night.
Happy Easter to you all! Jesus is Risen!

1 comment:

rachel said...

It was great getting to see you guys this past weekend!