Sunday, February 17, 2008


Nate and I are stuck at home today. Steve called home this morning, right around the time he is usually pulling in the driveway to pick us up and take us to Sunday School. However, due to the vast amount of snowfall we received between the hours of 5:30 AM (when he arrived at the church this morning) and 9:20 AM (when he left the church after 1st service to come and get us), his car was completly snowed in! He couldn't get it out of the parking space he'd put it in! Oh the perils of having only one car...
So, Nathan and I have had a Sunday morning at home. But don't worry about us, we had our
own church service, with Nathan being the worship leader, drum player AND preacher. He started us off by saying, "Are you ready to worship God, because I am!" Then he jumped into a rockin' worship set including such classics as "Come Now is the Time to Worship" and "Everybody Wants to be a Cat". (The theme from the Aristocats movie. Try to keep up people!) Then he moved into preaching mode, sighing into the computer microphone and informing me that "God made you special Mommy, and He loves you very much!" Can I get an Amen?

And now, because I know no post is complete without some pictures, here are some pictures of the family on Valentine's Day.


Polly said...

we sure missed you!!!!

Lila said...

I would have been STUCK if Nancy hadn't come to get Joan and picked us up, too. I was so happy to be in God's house today, especially after the events of this week. WE MISSED YOU GUYS!!!


Nancy said...

AMEN! and Praise the Lord. Nancy's bus would have been glad to come and get you. We missed you. How did the cookie bake go?

Kim said...

Our boys must think alike because within the last week Brett has been singing Everybody Wants To Be A Cat also. He hasn't ever seen that movie. He is stuck on it and Here We Are To Worship. I was laughing when I read that Nathan was singing the same song this week.