Sunday, September 09, 2007

That's just weird

Nathan has a new favorite food... toast with peanut butter and Cinnamon and sugar. I'm not sure how he came up with this combination, but he asks for it all the time now. I thought it would be fun to see what some other "weird food favorites" are, so if you don't mind sharing, let me know what weird food you like (or liked in the past. Pregnancy foods count too!) Here's one of mine to start us off right: When I was in college and lived in the dorms, I had to eat in the cafeteria. One of my favorite "desserts" to make was to take a toasted bagel, put cream cheese on it, and top it off with a scoop of ice cream! Yum! How about you? What's a weird favorite of yours?


Polly said...

Fresh bread, miracle whip, and tomato sandwiches.

Anonymous said...

Michael loves mac & cheese with lots of ketchup

Lime jello with pears, miracle whip, and cheese..yummy!

Lila said...

You have not lived until you have had peanut butter and brown sugar on hot texas toast...yes, Polly, TEXAS toast

Unknown said...

I love peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches on rye bread!

James W said...

I remember as a kid having Peanut Butter, Banana, and Honey sandwiches.

Matthew said...

Somewhere I picked up Mom's taste for toast with peanut butter and pickles. Which everyone seems to think is weird.

And then Myre has the Fluffernutter, which just makes me sick thinking about.