Monday, September 26, 2011

My Miracles

Both of my boys are after-infertility miracles. Both of them are precious gifts from God that I neither deserve nor take for granted. Both of them are living, breathing reminders that I serve a God who sees me and hears me and knows me and loves me.

Nathanial - "Gift of God"
Caleb - "Faithful"

Nathan once prayed this for his brother, and I now pray it over both of them every night:
Help my boys to be brave and to grow strong and to love Jesus.

And I thank You, God, for my miracle boys. Thank You for entrusting them to me. Give me strength and wisdom and patience and love to be up to the great task of raising them.

I pray for all those beautiful ones who are still waiting for their miracles. In light of Your great love and mercy, Lord, be near them, and comfort them, and grant them the desires of their hearts.


rachel said...

cute picture grace! I can't believe how big Caleb is!!

Erin Welch said...

What a great post, Grace. :) I'm teary.

The Imperfect Sojourner said...

lovely :)
You are truly blessed.
My name which i had chosen for a boy long before I got married was Nathanial and I loved the meaning of it. 5yrs married today and an IF journey we didn't expect. Whenever we have a little boy the name will have meant more than we ever thought... what a precious gift! :)
They are lovely boys