Saturday, February 19, 2011

Preggo Pics

So just the other day I realize, to my surprise, that I was about to hit 7 months pregnant and I had yet to take a single belly picture! And though I usually am not enthusiastic about showcasing my belly to the world, I guess pregnancy is the only time when it's not only appropriate, but also expected. So here you go!

Me at 7 Months

In case you were wondering, I am actually still down 2 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight... but I am finally starting to gain. At one point I was 7 lbs down! And now that I'm in the third trimester, I'm sure that "gaining trend" will continue.

2 lbs down, but everything I have got has repositioned itself right in the tummy region. I guess that's a good thing, right?

In other pregnancy news, you may remember that I had to take the 3-hour glucose test after failing my one-hour test. Well, I failed the 3-hour as well, so I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Steve and I met with a diabetic counselor yesterday for 2 1/2 hours. We got a lot of good information about diet and exercise, as well as learning how I was to test my blood sugar levels 4 times a day. I will see her again in a week to see how things are working, and to see if my diet needs to be tweaked anymore. It's a lot of change all at once, but I have been very blessed by the support and encouragement of my family and friends. I am glad to do whatever I can to keep my little miracle safe and healthy and growing!

Just 3 more months until we meet this little guy!


Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Grace!!! I didn't know! Ohhhh, God is good. Congratulations! (And you look simply beautiful.) :)

TS mommy said...

You can do it, Grace! You can deal with anything for 3 months. You look great. I loved my 7th month of pregnancy. You're showing and look cute, but you're not miserable yet. Have a great third trimester!

Erin Welch said...

Grace, you look great! Sorry about the gestational diabetes--hang in there.